Twisted Metal (2023– )
Best clown ever put to screen
30 July 2023
HELL YEAH! This show is beastly and hilarious.

For perspective, I know very little about the Twisted Metal games. I've played it a few times when visiting a friend, but I never owned the game myself. And this was about 25 years ago. The only thing I remembered was it involves armed vehicles.

I went in with low expectations given the terrible history of video game movies/shows. But we have been on a good streak lately (Sonic 1/2, Mario, Gran Turismo). And I'm ecstatic to say that the streak continues with Twisted Metal.

It hooked me immediately. I love the tone and over-the-top nature. I love that it doesn't hold back with the violence and blood. I love all the comedic attempts, with so many of them being memorable. I love the two leads, I didn't know Mackie could play funny/slightly goofy.

But the thing I loved the most, and it's not even close, is SWEET TOOTH!!!! He's so awesome. I've never liked clowns. Never been scared of them. Just never saw the appeal. So for me to like him this much is saying a lot. The show is elevated every time he's on screen.

At first I couldn't tell who was voicing him. I kept wondering, who is the actor fully bringing this character to life? Who is the one making this sadistic psychopath so likeable? Of course, it's Will Arnett. What a beast. He's able to bring so much to the table with his voice, as we've already seen with his performances as Lego Batman and BoJack Horseman.

EDIT: I should have my Nolan card revoked for forgetting about Joker in The Dark Knight. But I never really saw him as a clown. He's more like an endlessly intriguing character who dresses like a clown. But if you include him, Sweet Tooth would be second.

This show is highly efficient. It doesn't meander. It does so much with so little time. Most shows these days are terrible at that, especially streaming ones. I also love the song selections on this soundtrack. Some are late 90's/early 2000's songs I love and still listen to. Others are songs I haven't heard in decades. The choices seem odd but all work. Never in a million years would I have thought a scene playing the Thong Song would give me goosebumps.

In conclusion, YES and GIVE ME MORE! (1 viewing, 7/29/2023)
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