Crafted for Force-Book fandom only
29 July 2023
P' Mike, welcome back. P'Leo it is good to have you around. N' Java you have done a brilliant job this series. N' Drake, playing the bad guy hanh? (me grinning)... I really couldn't bless the subsidiary Cp, Fluke-Ohm (yes his name is also Ohm, don't get excited unnecessarily) because i can't get over Thor-Fluke from the 'Warp effect'.

Chemistry between the main leads is intact and adorable yet the story didn't serve to the extend I expected from a gaming oriented series. I believe P'New must have asked the writer to exclude the actual content of the plot, 'the game'. After having watched Gank your heart and Falling for your smile, it is difficult to watch a series that revolves around gaming, but does not actually elaborate on the game. 'Gun' and 'Cher' get along quite well from the beginning to the end without any significant troubles. If their relationship was to be plotted on a graph, it would resemble an ECG of a dead person (FB fandom please don't cuss at me).

Their body language and interactions being naturally flawless, Force and Book have a great potential. I appreciate Force for putting efforts into bulking up so as to portray an adult man as per the demand of the character. Book, narakk. Let's hope you two a better script.
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