Rapture (II) (2019)
Either a really bold take or someone is MASSIVELY confused...
27 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this movie and thought it was okay but do feel that "Rapture," is a vastly incorrect name with the way religion was interlaced with a seemingly, "alien takeover" theory.

Growing up in a hellfire, brimstone and damnation Southern Baptist Church, the Rapture was shoved down my throat from my first memories.

In NO teachings...EVER...were silver shiny people mentioned, clouds that looked like electrified locusts and lightning coming from the sky and striking people.

What I was always taught was no pomp, no Hollywood...the Saved simply disappear.

If you're riding in a car and the driver is saved, guess what? Suddenly the car has no driver.

I was taught that cars will crash, planes will fall from the sky if the pilots are unsaved, etc.

No silver people or alien like influences.

While I'm an open minded person and know for a fact the bible is open to serious interpretation this is a bit far fetched.

If alien like creatures are part of the apocalypse, this is the first I've ever heard of it...and still...while it's a neat concept, I just can't get there.

While this is a brave (but conflicting and convoluted take) it's just too much.

NO ONE knows what angels look like...but shiny silver people...I just can't.

Also...the timing could use some work. You can go without food. Water...nope.

Still...I enjoyed this film for what it was...kind of creepy entertainment.
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