Leaving out the main story
27 July 2023
I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised to see a Netflix documentary that doesn't consist of eight parts and overstay it's welcome. I think they did an okay job of telling us about the victims, but they kind of gloss over the culprit. We never get to know what drove him to this crimes, what exactly made him tick. To be fair, I don't want to get to know who the killer is as a person, he could stay anonymous for all I care, but more of a psychologic profile is the least you should get out of a doc about a serial killer. So I had to do my own digging and lo and behold, there was a whole lot of important information that the documentary left out. It's the absolute failure of the justice system and the police force. We don't get nothing from the doc on that regard which makes me wonder if the filmmakers left that part out intentionally in order to secure cooperation and interviews from the police.

But it did the real story a disservice. The neglect of woman being sexually assaulted and killed seemed to be not a high priorr9back then in France and the killer got out several times with a slap on his wrist for attempted murder. If the Wikipedia entry is more interesting than your movie, you should re-evaluate and check for sensationalism.

Not only did the killer get out of prison several times for good behaviour, got his sentenced reduced to less than half or got a 'prison vacation' , but he also comitted murders during those breaks. He escaped during police custody. This case screams of police negligence at the highest order, for which several women had to pay the highest price. A scandal in real life and a scandal for releasing this unfinished film. Does Netflix not even fact-check their documentaries?
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