Dogs are peculiar but wonderful and loyal, and so is this movie
26 July 2023
Lassie Come Home (1943) : Brief Review -

Dogs are peculiar but wonderful and loyal, and so is this movie. I might have seen hundreds of films where humans go through a long struggle to come home, but I have never seen the topic used for a dog. How lovely is this concept in the first place? Nothing can go wrong with it. Today's cinephiles may be mad about "777 Charlie," but there is "Hachi: A Dog's Take," which just can't be matched. Five decades before that, there was this classic, "Old Yeller" (1957), which was emotional as well as intellectual. Now, today I met this Lassie's tale, "Lassie Come Home," and I am so grateful. This was the first of those seven films MGM made with Lassie the dog, and how good is this? So heartwarming and touching. There have been POW escape flicks or criminal escape struggles, but can you imagine all that stuff with a dog? It's tough, but this film is about that. Lassie is sold by her owner as they need money to run the house, but neither their son nor Lassie can live without each other. Lassie runs away again and again, is brought back, and is then taken to Scotland. Who would imagine this dog would travel from Scotland to Yorkshire all alone? Lassie does it, and during this journey, you see her meeting different kinds of people-some good and some bad. In the end, her situation will definitely make you cry. This film is so sweet that I want to have a dog like Lassie right this minute. Lassie's scene with the older couple and the circus man and her fights against those different people are so beautiful. I just wonder how the dog managed it. Those jumps and stunts I can understand, but how was that crippled leg thing executed? All the cast is fine, and I didn't know Elizabeth looked so cute in her childhood. Fred M. Wilcox takes you into Lassie's world of loyalty and gratefulness, and you just can't hate it.

RATING - 7.5/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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