Simply Outstanding
26 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, let me express my deepest sympathy and empathy to the families, friends and loved ones of Peter Farquhar and Anne Moore-Martin who so despicably and needlessly suffered and died at the hands of Ben Field.

Secondly, let me issue a warning to those who have not yet seen and may intend watching this drama series: there are many distressing scenes of emotional manipulation and coercion and scenes of wilful suffering and then calculated murder of the abovementioned. Please take care.

This is a superbly scripted drama series which honours that of what really happened. It is hard-hitting and I think necessary ìn doing so. Excellent acting from one and all with exemplary performances by those who played Peter and Anne. Eanna Hardwicke who played Ben , was a revelation and one whom I am sure we will see a lot more of on TV.

Superior direction, both hard-hitting and deeply sensitive in equal measure, cements a drama series that will undoubtedly shock many viewers whilst leaving others in tears.

Ben Field was and is a classic narcissist with a vile and callous personality who was undoubtedly on his way to being a serial killer until Anne Moore Martin's niece so courageously called him out and informed the authorities of her suspicions.

The police and lawyers, often rightly castigated for scew-ups that should never happen, acted with integrity, perseverance and fortitude, and were a credit to their professions.

And as for we the viewers? Our lesson is never to be silent when we see or feel that evil is admist us. Because it is then - and only then - that each of us has the power to stop evil in it's tracks.

Thank You sincerely to all involved in the making of this outstanding and riveting drama series.
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