Review of Free

Desperate Housewives: Free (2008)
Season 4, Episode 17
24 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
There are a lot of things that bother me about this episode and the season in general.

First, Bree is really ticking me off with her attitude. I mean, how self righteous is she?! When Andrew hit Carlos's mom with his car and run from the scene leaving an elderly woman to die in the street, Bree covered for him. But now all of a sudden Orson just HAS to go to jail because "it's the right thing to do". Why? How hypocritical is this?! Why is Mike more important than Carlos? At least Mike recovered. Carlos has to live with the agony that "someone" run over his beloved mother and got away unpunished. How is that "right"? At least Orson was sorry for what he did. Andrew couldn't care less when it happened and it doesn't seem he cares about it now either. Yes, one can argue that what Orson did is worse because it wasn't just an accident, it was attempted murder but Andrew was drunk and on top of that he is older now so if Bree is so concerned about "doing the right thing", why not send Andrew to jail too?! It's one thing to be self righteous condescending when your hands are clean but Bree's hands aren't clean at all so I find her behavior repulsive!

Second, Katherine's story doesn't add up at all. The story was interesting but if you really think about it, it doesn't make sense. No way such a huge furniture can crash and break (killing her little girl) without anyone in the house hearing it and I don't care if it happened simultaneously with her hitting her ex with a candle stick. There is also no sense in taking a similar looking little girl from a Romanian orphanage (not to mention that legally speaking there was no explanation as to how exactly she did that). What would be the reason for that? If you're scared of your ex husband just run! No need to put another little girl at risk. Run for your life, hide, disappear... If you can illegally smuggle a child from Romania to the US then you can also just go on the run. What was the plan? To wait until he finds them both and then what? Tell him it's not his kid in the hopes he would just leave? If he is so dangerous and abusive wouldn't he kill Katherine for cheating on him? And then what would happened to the little girl? No matter how you look at it, it's a stupid plan! I also like to point out that I wasn't really impressed with the acting. Katherine shed a lot of tears but I didn't feel her pain. I did like how Adam came to save the day and it was cool that the other housewives were willing to lie for Katherine but considering that lying to the police is a felony there was really no need for it. Adam was clearly beaten up, Bree was a witness and they had TWO dead bodies so as much as it was cute it was really unnecessary. And it's circling back to what I said about Bree. Who is she? The moral police? She decides what's right and when. It's absurd!

Morally speaking there was absolutely no coherency to this season. Even small things! Like with Edie for example. She decided to extort Bree and suddenly all the housewives decided that THAT is too much? So burning Susan's house down and stealing Mike and Carlos and causing Gabby to lose millions of dollars that's all ok but forcing Bree to make desserts or invite her to social events that's too much? It's ridiculous!!! Not to mention that they all pulled a lot of stuff so they aren't exactly squeaky clean.

Not the greatest season and definitely not the greatest season finale.
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