Secrets in the Marriage (2023 TV Movie)
An unbelievable story
23 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have never seen so many bad actors in the same movie. These actors are so bad it was annoying to hear them speak. I actually looked forward to the commercials.

The story is ridiculous. The story is about a lying, cheating husband who tries to frame his wife for two murders. In the story, a high school associate accuses Kat (Brianna Cohen) of drugging her at the prom, without any evidence. So that becomes a story in itself that is never completed. In a divorce hearing, Kat's husband Richard, played by Alex Trumble, who is representing himself, accuses her of adultery and murder without presenting any evidence, and the judge tells Kat, in a harsh tone, that she had better not leave town. How can he tell her that in a divorce hearing. She had not been indicted for Richard's accusations against her.

Grace McClanahan, who plays Kat's sister Alex, is the best actor in the cast. She is believable as Kat's concerned sister.

Kat is a city manager and she is suppose to be skilled at reading people. Yet, she lets Richard con her for a year? She took pills from Richard that he alleged to be sleeping pills. She was an intelligent woman so why would she take medication without researching it first. Richard accused her of attacking him after she took the pills. He told her that the pills made her delusional, untrusting and paranoid. Yet, she took them a second time. A very strange movie that left me with more questions than answers.
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