Review of The Flash

The Flash (I) (2023)
There's a fantastic Flash film buried in here
22 July 2023
You can see the hints of an incredible character-driven film centered on Barry Allen underneath all of the fluff and cameos. Not to say I didn't like some of them, Keaton for one is excellent, but it feels like this was a corporately-designed film to maximize nostalgia and callbacks. There's certainly enough to enjoy here, but I'm left feeling like this could've been a classic.

At the heart of this film is a moving, even profound character arc that Ezra Miller does a great job showcasing. The moments of the movie focusing on this are by far the best. The Batman '89 nostalgia is great (that Elfman score really does something to me), however it's mostly window dressing. The same goes for Zod's return and Supergirl's debut. They don't add much to the film and aren't really even given much focus.

The humor really does land for the most part, though there are some tonal inconsistencies. Some bizarre editing also adds to a disjointed, chopped up feel at times. Affleck is terrific in his brief role and makes me even sadder we never got a solo Batfleck film. The action scenes are shot with a unique perspective and I enjoyed essentially all of them. Keaton's fight scenes in particular are awesome to watch.

Onto the CGI and the cameos.... I really don't think we needed any of this and especially not in the visual effects state we received it. The CGI as a whole is often pretty horrid with the baby scene an odd standout.

The Flash isn't the absolute disaster it could have been given all the behind the scenes drama this film endured, but it doesn't quite live up to its brilliant Flashpoint inspiration.
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