Review of Nimona

Nimona (2023)
Tiw nimona
22 July 2023
Today I watched Nimona and I apparently watched a different movie than everyone else

Like this movie is fine but in my opinion, it just isnt that special.

The voice acting, animation and fight choreography were all nice, but like...

after the first major event happens in the film and the titular character comes in.... the film is just so extremely predictable and feels like it lacks all forms of tension. One of the characters is just so insanely overpowered I can't help but wonder why they don't do more with that overpoweredness.

And yeah like every beat in this film feels like it could have been plopped from like 13 other disney or Pixar films, especially past the first 15 minutes. Btw this was originally a disney film that got scrapped.

The villain was not hard to deduce. The main backstory was incredibly obvious as to what actually happened it did not feel impactful at all. Characters act incredibly unprofessional when they're supposed to be extremlty well trained guards of the queen of this land.... there's a couple more cliches that annoyed me but to talk about them would be spoilers so, sorry

And yeah, I do like the the fact that the main character is LGBT but it doesnt add(or subtract) anything from the story. Its just a thing. Also since im on this topic, the boyfriend did some pretty bad stuff to the main character.

Overall, this is movie is fine, but I really don't see why everyone thinks this is like the best film ever. It feels like wallpaper, sometimes it looks cool in concept. However, it doesnt do enough world building for it to be anything more than just "in concept." It's medieval techno themed wallpaper.

Mid to High5/10.
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