A movie from my childhood that's still brings tears to my eyes 25 years later.
21 July 2023
I was 11 when this movie 1st came out. I've been a movie person since I was 2 yrs old. Movies over toys! I got this movie for Christmas 1998. Yes it's a silly Disney movie but it is beautiful. The entire movie. If you haven't watched it yet, you should. Like I said above, 25 yrs later & this movie still brings tears to my eyes. & if your wondering why about my 5/10 rating since I like it so much, my rating system is different from other people's. I never ever rate anything 9 or 10/10 (no movies perfect.) I've rated over 1,600 movies & half of them are 4/10 which means I enjoyed the movie & will watch it again someday. Now a 5/10 means I really really liked it. Movies like Star Wars, Terminators, Indiana Jones, Top Guns, Mission Impossibles, etc, I rated those 1/10... Sorry not sorry, those horrible "box office" hits sucked!
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