A Love Song (2022)
20 July 2023
A love story for a certain age group of the population that manages to be an exemplar of nuance & patience. At a remote camp ground in the Midwest, Dale Dickey, seems to be waiting for someone & bides her time by sticking to a routine which involves having a morning cup of joe, dinner of crawfish she catches from a nearby pond while listening to a radio which seems to always have the right tune on. The only visitors Dickey gets is the postman, a nearby same sex couple who are in the throes of a possible proposal & a group of diggers led by a precocious moppet who kindly asks Dickey if she'll move her vehicle but seeing her expected guest hasn't arrived, they shrug & politely go about their business. Soon someone does arrive in the form of Wes Studi (& his dog) who turns out to be a long ago (back in high school) crush which may've turned out to have been something if not for each individual finding their respective mates (who've since passed) & led different lives. The film then settles into the possibility of this couple entering into a new phase of their lives w/each other but are both parties on board? Eschewing a master class in acting, Dickey, a stalwart character actress (I just saw her in Showtime's Let the Right One series) alongside Studi are nothing short of perfection as their body language & laconic dialogue speaks volumes as to where they are in their lives & what a past it has been for the pair. A shame it wasn't recognized by the Academy during its release year.
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