Wow...just...wow! This is an amazingly well acted and written film.
20 July 2023
What a surprise.🏆 A QUALITY film, in every way that matters.

Anyone that posts negatively on this film is just someone who probably trolls people on Twitter etc for the 'jollies of it' and to get a false sense of 'know it all' something in their otherwise vapid existence.

I will be recommending this film to people the way you recommend a new favorite dining spot...only with more passion/sincerity.

The main actors, in the roles of Claude' and 'Kyra' entranced me with their line deliveries...even the 'man in the basement' delivered a solid performance.

Clearly not a Hollywood budget film...but I didn't need to be. It delivered 'everything' a good film needs for this genre of storytelling.

I'm sure I'll watch it again many times...as I have 'Somewhere in Time', The Princess Bride and What Dreams May Come.

That said...yeah, I'm a sucker for 'true romance' and while this isn't 'fun-ish' like the Princess Bride or as large budget as Somewhere/What Dreams...It is an experience to be had and to recommend to others!
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