One of the best movie from India
19 July 2023
Very sweet and touching movie. It should be released all over India (dubbed in various Indian languages). It is truly overall a whole pan India movie rather than just a Marathi movie. Great team as all actors are equally good and have equal weightage. I remembered all of the characters even after the movie. Director (Kedar Shinde) is superb. Vaishali Naik (Script writer) is amazing. World renowned Rohini Hattangadi is wonderful. She acts only with her eyes (she talks very less in the movie and this is requitement of the character as it suffers from depression). Stalwart Vandana Gupteji is excellent. Even smaller roles/characters like Anna are good. Sukanya Kulkarnis daughter is just as talented and beautiful like her mother. Though the story is about sisters, brothers will also relate to it as the story is about ups and downs in relationships. Men should certainly watch this movie as they will remember their brothers and sisters while watching it. I have already watched it 4 times. Women as well as men all over in India will relate to this movie. The characters remind us of respected women in our families like mothers/sisters/daughters/aunts/grannys etc. The last mangalagour song and all other songs too are super. Costumes/sarees in last mangalagour song are fantastic. They are similar to famous Paris fashion designers like Yves Saint Laurent etc. The colors of those sarees are extremely beautiful. Great work.
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