Banel & Adama (2023)
Fable in color
19 July 2023
This very beautiful and rich in color fable tells us about a young couple who live in a primitive Senegalese village and apparently have been in love with each other since they were kids. Without knowing that, Banel is a desperate female rights activist for herself: she's ambitious, rebellious, direct, honest and strong. However, Adama though sharing Babel's vision is more subjected by what customs dictate to him. Additionally, the village (as well as the world) is facing a climate crisis so decisions have to be made now. The cattle die of scorching heat, food and water is scarce. The villagers find their salvation in a Muslim prayer, but will it help?

The film brings up a lot of modern topical issues regardless of the fact that the village community dwells in the old times.

Who will hear Babel's voice? Won't it be too late?
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