18 July 2023
The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem is an epic television series, spanning decades of duress for the Jewish people in Palestine. It is really about love through the ages, and the elation, the disappointment, the joy and the tragedy associated with it. Beyond the wonderful setting, the fabulous and entirely convincing directing and acting, and the beautiful and deeply moving storyline, The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem is helpful for everyone who would like a better understanding of what it was to live as the Jewish people before they were finally given their own state. I am not a Jew but even at the very young age of nine when I first heard adults speaking about the atrocities committed against the Jewish people during World War II, I was outraged. It is easy to be kind. We must learn from our history to be kind to each other. We must learn to understand that we are each of us equal to each other. Flesh, bone, the same hearts, the same minds, the same needs the same hopes. Stories such as The Beauty Queen of Jerusalem enable us to see with our own eyes the suffering caused by prejudice and bigotry. We care about the good characters in the story, and their pain becomes our own. I loved this television series, and really look forward to discovering more of the amazing director, Oded Davidoff's,work.
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