Champions (2023)
"Look at how accepting I am!"
14 July 2023
This movie started out really strong for a cliche type of premise ya know?! Woody Harrelson can elevate any material really, the dude is a master of his craft.... Though this one gets a little lacklustre in execution once we are introduced to the friends basketball team.

They really play the whole concept dead on the nose, like "look at this group of intellectually challenged folks, here are all the regular quirks and behaviours you see in most people with those challenges and here are the challenges they face in their day to day life"... That's pretty much the entire movie.

There isn't much nuance in the way their day to day struggles are portrayed really, there's a boss who very openly mistreats an employee with Down's syndrome, there's a scene where an ignorant person calls the team the R word and coach reverts to violence to rectify that situation, there's a woman with Down's syndrome that thinks everyone is hitting on her and they just present that info in a very straightforward manner like "here ya go, this is indeed a movie".

Overall it was a decent movie but it lacked any layers whatsoever, they just hand you the information like an uninterested activist trying to raise awareness about global warming.

That's all.
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