There are countless problems with this movie
13 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie becomes the first of many things. 1: Making Luke Skywalker, arguably the most iconic, optimistic hero of cinema who was able to pull his evil father from the Darkside to the light, into a disgraced and pathetic shell of a man who tried to psychopathically kill his nephew because he thought Ben might turn to the dark side. 2: Making it so that in an major space battle with a major target (i.e.: a Death Star), all you had to do is take a good sized spacecraft to lightspeed to ram it into that target to win. 3: Making Luke, out of shame and despair at his mistake, seclude himself from the world instead of attempting to make it right. 4: Making Finn and Rose go on a literally pointless journey (if you take their adventure out of the movie, the movie would end the same as if they twiddled their thumbs on the Ratis until boarding the little transport ships). 5: Making Finn and Rose trash a town that will result in more hardship and labor for enslaved children. 6: Making Ben and Rey participate in the most poorly crafted fight scene in Star Wars with these two completely forgetting their greatest advantage being the force and including incredible moments such as one kick from Rey pushing back three guards at one time, a blade disappearing into thin air to save Rey's life, and the guard at one moment trying to cut Rey's neck with the next moment releasing that force to then get decapitated by Rey. 7: Making it so that you squash any potential to explain how Rey has any of these incredible capabilities through lineage, let alone any plot or character development from Rey having significant parents (this is retconned in The Rise of Skywalker). 8: Making Chewbacca to only be in the movie to fly the millennium falcon, not to have any meaningful experiences or interactions with the original cast beyond Luke yelling at him. 9: Making Leia have force powers without explanation or having any character acknowledging that she has these powers to not only wield the force, but survive the empty, cold, and oxygen-less vacuum of space. 10: Making Poe, the best fighter pilot the Resistance possesses, form a mutiny because of the incompetence of the Leia's predecessor. 11: Making Hux, who appeared to be a formidable force in The Force Awakens, into a joke character because Rian thought it would be funny. 12: Making Luke Skywalker not have any reaction to the death of Han Solo, his best friend and brother-in-law. 13: Making the worst Star Wars visual and line of dialogue mesh with Rose, having crashed into Finn's speeder while he was trying to destroy a laser cannon, saying that, we will win, not by fighting what we hate, but saving what we love, while there is an explosion in the background where their friends are hiding caused by said cannon. 14: Making Poe get demoted by Leia for saving people's lives. 15: Making force ghosts able to summon lightning to destroy physical objects without ever having used this incredible ability to obliterate any evil force that would rise up. 16: Making Luke Skywalker say that the Jedi need to end after devoting his life to this philosophy and saving his evil father plus the galaxy through the praxis of this philosophy. 17: Making the chase scene the most uninteresting snail race when one star destroyer could have hyperspaced in front of the Ratis to cut it off from its trajectory to face it in battle. 18: Making Rey go from hating Ben to wanting to save Ben after a handful of brief interactions facilitated by Snoke. 19: Making Snoke nothing despite him being the connective tissue between the original trilogy and the sequel trilogy that explains the state of the Star Wars galaxy. 20: Making the worst Star Wars film in history.
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