Overwatch 2 (2022 Video Game)
Overwatch should've stayed as just Overwatch!
12 July 2023
When I say that Overwatch should've stayed as Overwatch, it means they didn't have to make a complete, separate game! Alllll the things they had in this 2nd one, could've literally been added in the 1st one. That's all they had to do. Overwatch 2 is NOTHING different nor special in the slightest. Except for a campaign, but that's all you get really. WHY in their mind would they completely get rid of the 1st one?! Now nobody can go back to that game anymore. It just doesn't make sense. "Hey guys we gotta sequel now, but let's get rid of the 1st one for good measure." Like what??? Leveling up is not the same as it was, in fact you're not even leveling up at all. It feels empty. It feels like after you play so many hours, you don't feel accomplished, you don't feel like you're progressing, you don't feel like you're moving up in the ranks. Plus, loot boxes don't exist anymore. Now you have to buy coins if you want anything. Plus this game is FREE now? It's so stupid. In Overwatch, you actually felt like you had a place in the game. You felt like you were getting somewhere. You were proud of how far you came to reach your first bronze, silver, gold, platinum or diamond. You competed with your friends. You felt great about receiving loot boxes to see if you would get coins or skins or anything else. Overwatch is dead....it has been dead. And it unfortunately will never come back to the way it originally was. Let's be real here, 2016-2019 was where it WAS REALLY AT.
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