Darkness in the Italian West
12 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Per 100.000 dollari ti ammazzo (Will Kill You for 100,000 Dollars) was also released as For One Hundred Thousand Dollars for a Killing and the title that it has in this Arrow Video set, Vengeance Is Mine.

It's a big film in the life of star Gianni Garko, who met Czechoslovakian actress Susanna Martinkova while making this. She'd be married to him from 1973 to 1986 and they have a daughter named Maria Clara.

Director Giovanni Fago is billed as Sidney Lean here. Before this film, often using the name John M. Farquhar, he'd work as an assistant director on films like Werewolf in a Girls' Dormitory, The Loves of Hercules and Massacre Time. It was written by Ernesto Gastaldi, whose resume boasts some of the most important films in Italian genre cinema, including All the Colors of the Dark, My Name Is Nobody, So Sweet... So Perverse, The Whip and the Body and so many more. His co-writer? Sergio Martino!

John Forest (Garko) has had a rough life. Ten years in prison for a murder he was innocent of committing, a brother named Clint (Claudio Camaso) who kicked him out of the family when it turned out he was illegitimate and now working as a bounty hunter. And oh yeah, that murder? When their father tried to bring John back home, Clint gunned him down like a dog and said his brother did the deed.

John's mother dies just as a bounty on Clint's head is named. She has a dying request for her son: Clint is to be brought to justice, but not killed. But if there is a gunfight between the brothers, John can't fire the first bullet.

As always in the Italian West, the lure of happiness -- a life for John with Annie (Claudie Lange) and her son -- isn't as strong as money, blood or vengeance. She tells him that they could have a life together. He replies, "Sorrow and hate just don't mix with happiness, Annie."

It's intriguing that this film is in the same set as $10,000 for a Massacre, as they share leads, writer and composer Nora Orlandi. Garko is a bounty hunter in both; Camaso is his bounty. The difference is that in this film, Garko's morals aren't in question. This is more of a tragedy, as the divide between brothers has led to a decade in prison for one and dissolution into darkness for the other. Both movies also are tragic for anyone who tries to make a life with Garko's characters.

When watched one after the other, they make for an interesting study in how violence and retribution in the world of the Italian West destroys the lives of its heroes.
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