Waste of time
11 July 2023
Hunting Ava Bravo" is a movie that falls short in many aspects. The film is marketed as an action-thriller, but it fails to deliver on both fronts. Here are some reasons why the movie is a major disappointment: Firstly, the movie is slow-paced. Most of the film is filled with dialogue while walking through the snow, which makes it tedious and boring to watch. The scenes are unnecessarily long, and the pacing is off, which makes it difficult to stay engaged with the story. The movie could have benefited from some editing to make it more concise and fast-paced.

Secondly, the acting in the movie is poor. The cast seems bored and uninterested, which is understandable given the bad dialogue they have to deliver. The characters lack depth, and their motivations are unclear, which makes it difficult to care about what happens to them. The performances are wooden and uninspired, which is a shame because the actors are capable of much better.

Thirdly, the movie lacks any real action scenes. Despite being marketed as an action-thriller, the movie fails to deliver any real excitement. There are a few brief moments of violence, but they are few and far between. The action scenes are poorly choreographed, and the camera work is uninteresting, which makes them forgettable.

Finally, the movie fails to provide any explanation for why Ava Bravo is being hunted. The audience is left in the dark about the motivations of the characters, which makes it difficult to understand what is happening. The lack of explanation for the story is frustrating, and it leaves the audience feeling unsatisfied.

In conclusion, "Hunting Ava Bravo" is a movie that fails to live up to its genre and premise. It's slow-paced, poorly acted, lacks action, and fails to provide any explanation for the story. The movie could have benefited from some editing to make it more concise and fast-paced. The performances are wooden and uninspired, and the action scenes are forgettable. It's not worth watching.
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