Review of Trolley

Trolley (2022–2023)
A waste of a great cast in a unbelievable stretched weak story.
11 July 2023
These coincidences that make people stay at the same hospital at the same time for the sake of a weak plot is just extremely bad!

When things start unfolding in episode 15 and 16, you wish that you haven't invested your time in a weak plot. From the very beginning, you can tell that there is something off about this show but you continue watching it hoping it will pick up at some stage. However, I quit watching it in episode 15 which is the one before the last episode. This show is a stigma to the korean drama. Netflix needs to classifiy this show as a korean comedy show instead of drama.

Finally, the absurdity in this show is next level and the writer of this show has zero respect to our intelligence.
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