Murder Drones (2021–2024)
It could be so much more with so much less
10 July 2023
Murder Drones is very good at setting up an interesting premise and presentation. A bunch of worker drones on the loose after humanity has wiped itself off, with murder drones sent to destroy said drones sounds like a very fun watch, and it is a fun watch, if you ignore the lore.

This show's biggest suffer is its poor pacing. The narrative never gets a chance to properly develop. The moment a character begins an arc, it either ends the very next episode or gets forgotten indefinitely to make room for a new one which follows the same formula. It's like the show is trying to be episodic and serial at the same time. You're also spoon-fed constant backstory lore, most of which isn't answered which on itself isn't a bad thing, but if you have double-digit of information not answered given in the first THREE episodes, then it will get cramped very fast.

On a positive note, the design for everything is eye candy. Despite the environment being pure white bliss from constant snowstorms blocking everything, or the drones living inside of bunkers accompanied by identical looking walls everywhere, the place really sets up the kind of world everyone lives in. The drones themselves have neat design with them wearing human accessories, and the animation overall is very fluid and clean, so much so that there isn't that much of a difference between the first and newest episode.

The comedy is good, but very meta and the show doesn't know when to be comedic and when to be serious. You'll have an unnerving situation, then a character do something silly and it's back to serious business. The pilot IMO struck a perfect balance between the two (probably because it didn't have so much lore revealed yet), so it's not like they can't find the perfect spot. All around this makes it very unclear how you're supposed to feel about the characters and what they're doing.

It's such a shame too. I really wanna say this is one of my favourite shows. The visuals, voice acting, music, it's all on the standards of an actual high budget TV show, but to a newcomer this show will throw too much at you, and in return expect too much from you.

With all the negativity, why a six (rated this before the final episode)? If you can get past not understanding half of what's going, this show really is a fun thing to experience for yourself. Plus as of me writing this review, the season has yet to be finished so maybe some things will be answered and is why I'm not rating it so harshly, however I highly doubt they'll finish this in a satisfying manner without ending it on an obvious cliffhanger for Season 2.

(Edit after the final episode: I was right, the ending was unsatisfactory and hearing that there were no restrictions that wouldn't allow for more episodes to be made just rubs salt into the wound. This is not a show I can see myself recommending to anyone but I wouldn't actively discourage anyone from checking it out either.)
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