So bad
10 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie started off hopeful but quickly got worse. So unbelievable. It's a western but everyone is always clean and perfect. Main character appears to be too young for this role and so not tough. The relationship between him and his wife is comical, but in a bad way. The dialogue is so bad! Slow, unbelievable, and definitely not correct for this time period. Main character gets two fingers completely cut off, sewn back on, and they work in 2 days. Characters don't mesh or make sense. So many people are shot you wonder how anyone is left at the end of the movie. Overall it's unbelievable, slow, unrealistic, and has some really bad acting. Such a disappointment because it had two really good actors in supporting roles. I love movies, always watch with an open mind, and try to find something good. But this movie, only good thing was it eventually ended 🙁
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