We are giving this movie a charitable 3 stars
9 July 2023
How much we wanted this western to live up to it's 7.9 Rating. Terrible, excessive, painfully poor acting by some of the main characters, barely believable story. Honestly, I wasn't planning to write a review as I am usually far too lazy but, on impulse, I chose to lookup True Grit - suspecting that even that classic would be ranked at lower than 7.9. And so it was. True Grit is rated at 7.4 as of this writing. Spurred by this travesty, here I am to say my piece. We looked forward to seeing Cole Hauser in a new movie. Although he wasn't given much to do, he was believable and gave a credible performance. Steven Dorff didn't have the same presence as he did in Old Hernry, hisThe roles of two of the stars. The actors playing Reno and Vegas just weren't good. Perhaps it was the material they were given to work with. The writing wasn't a highlight. Lots of shooting, blood spatters, fingers being chopped off, etc. If these things are your bag, however, give this clunker a try.
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