Review of Gravesend

Gravesend (2020– )
Was this a high school play?
9 July 2023
What on earth? How the hell did this ridiculous, cheaply-made catastrophe get on the screen. Did William DeMeo tell all the actors how to deliver their lines? Chopped up sentences, poorly executed imitation of Sopranos. (It's a sacrilege to even put them in the same review) but you can clearly see how DeMeo tried. By the way, he should not be acting, writing or directing. I was surprised to see Vinny Pastore in this disaster of a show. I only watched the whole thing to see Vic DiBitetto, one of my favorite comedians. He probably was the best actor with Vinny Pastore. So this boring high school play was extremely hard to watch. It's a mockery.
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