7 July 2023
I saw "Chain Reaction" on streaming so I figured I give it a watch and because the topic sounded interesting, but I now see why I had never seen this one before. It is all very forgettable and formulaic with little to really draw you in. And I feel somewhat bad saying that because you can see a lot of money and effort went into this film, but the end result just isn't great, you always feel like you're watching a movie, it never overcomes that hurdle, which great films do, where you forget you're even watching a movie because you're so lost in it. And likewise, I felt bad for the actors Keanu and Rachel, they earned their pay here having to run all around in the cold winter weather, through snow, icy water, on vehicles, it just seemed like the director was trying to torment them. Not even a hat or gloves! Sorry, it's a fail overall, though there may be some interesting ideas here, but it's underdeveloped. 3/10.
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