Three-Body (2023– )
Profoundly high quality adaptation of the book
6 July 2023
I just finished watching the 30 episodes of Three Body by Tencent. Loved it immensely. The main actors are fabulous. The production values are excellent. And, the story hews to the book very well.

Many will observe that the pace of the story seems slow at times, though I found it to be more of a zen experience in those episodes. In the end the series delivers the goods.

There are some a few odd quirks in the version released for English subtitle readers. The most odd is the occasional sudden insertion of completely out-of-context music, overwriting dialog and all other story sound. I've read that some copyright issues were being covered up, but boy did they do a sloppy job. A shame given how much work went into the production.

I particularly gained insight into the people of modern day China. It was revelatory to see how similar their daily lives are like mine/ours in the West. Even their views on politics and life were quite liberal and enlightened.

Highly recommend!
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