Review of Unbound

The Witcher: Unbound (2023)
Season 3, Episode 2
Such a boring waste of IP
3 July 2023
My goodness it's no wonder Henry Cavill wanted off this show. First of all he's barely in it, and they are apparently trying to do the "conversations in elegant rooms" thing from Game of Thrones instead but it is missing the mark by a long shot.

At least in Game of Thrones we understood the lay of the land and had seasons of buildup and character introduction to put all the players in place and build the stakes. This show just has people tossing out a bunch of names of other people and places that aren't on screen and we're supposed to understand what is going on? I read the books, played the video games and even I can barely follow it.

I'm often wondering whether I missed something in an earlier episode since the characters all act like they know exactly what is being talked about without any exposition for the viewer's sake.

The monsters, the clever twists, it's mostly gone in favor of this medieval soap opera that drones on with seemingly no real plot to anchor it other than "the kingdoms are at war". Even when we do get a bit of Geralt doing some witching, it's not really linked to the plot in any way and there is little buildup, it's just oh let's give them Geralt killing a monster now just to check that box.

Gee I can't wait for Season 4 starring Johnny Drama or whichever B lister they got to play Geralt. This has to be one of the worst fumbles of IP ever by Netflix, and on a show that started out very good in season 1!
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