The Witcher: The Art of the Illusion (2023)
Season 3, Episode 5
Fire the writers, beg and plead for Cavill to come back and start the entire show over
2 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
During the first season the complaints were mainly about Geralt having the intellect of a marvel hero and the conversational skills of a barking dog. Now the main problem is the writers' mistakenly thinking they're being smart. Everything to do with production and acting was great, the writing is obviously the problem and I think everyone will have incredible respect for Henry Cavill now that we see how right he was and I am relieved he will not be in the next season. Netflix doesn't deserve him.

The way they chose to go with the unfolding of events in a non-chronological order is just a mess. It only works if there's a logic behind it. I've actually never seen it executed this poorly. Guy Ritchie always does it very well for reference. In King Arthur the context is the main character being interrogated. This episode lacks proper context for which conversations are recalled. It's just Geralt and Yen having another incredibly dull and unintelligent conversation nothing like what could have been, had they stayed true to the characters that is. They do give some context for recalling certain conversations but then that flashback continues into other the next scene without the context of the conversation. It doesn't fit, the feeling is that the writers thought it would be cool. It's not nearly good enough to justify the layout of the episode and the tedious repetition of cheap dialogue.

We already know Vilgefortz is the bad guy. The bracelet was too obviously presented, several times over, and without any subtlety. They drew all of the viewers attention to the bracelet, it felt like there was more conversation about the bracelet than Stregobor. Then finally they revealed Vilgefortz was the villain. And I get that it's Geralt and Yen, not us, who were supposed to be shocked. But it takes the excitement out of the entire episode, and since we already knew they didn't need to push so hard on the hints throughout the episode.

They need to promptly explain why Rience and Stregobor were using the same castle. That part seems brushed over and it is that careless type of writing that I've come to expect from this show. It's disrespectful towards the viewer. It's like the last season of game of thrones and I don't use that insult lightly. It was to be expected that Netflix would butcher it. But I just thought they would stupidly and unnecessarily make characters LGBTQ or change their race, which by the way doesn't help the story and is another detrimental element which makes the viewer detached from the Witcher's diegesis which was so alluring in the games.

This is now just another garbage Netflix show, I will not watch next season and I hope no one else does either.
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