The Witcher: The Art of the Illusion (2023)
Season 3, Episode 5
Average, with some horrific and good parts
2 July 2023
Season 3 so far has been....fine. Not great, but not bad either. The production is amazing - with the sets, location and visuals being almost flawless. You can tell they filmed on location, as some of those landscape shots were glorious. However, it doesn't get any better than that. Aside from Geralt, Yen and Ciri, all the other characters are just, meh. Henry as Geralt as we all know, is just brilliant and the series doesn't deserve him, but he does give his all in this last season. Anya as Yen is also really good. I wasn't sold on her in season 1, but in this third season she has improved greatly. The story of season 3 is all over the place. We follow our trio as they try to keep Ciri safe, but the season never really does anything with it. There never feels like any real threat. Then there is the stuff with Jaskier. Jesus. Jaskier was a good character in the first 2 season, but here, he is irritating. The rumours were correct - they have made him Bi. For those who know the books, or the games, you know that he is not interesting in men at all. He is very flamboyant, and that doesn't mean he needs to like men. They clearly have no respect for the characters and world they are trying to replicate. Season 3 also suffers from dreadful editing. Now I don't know if Netflix just had a problem when I was streaming, but there were several scenes with dialogue and you would be in full site of the actor delivering said dialogue, but their mouth wouldn't move. It was distracting. And it wasn't one or two scenes, it was several.

Overall the first half of season 3 has been average.
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