The Witcher: The Art of the Illusion (2023)
Season 3, Episode 5
The Destruction of a Franchise
2 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Having enjoyed the first two seasons, I'm really disappointed with this season has and this episode is the exactly what is wrong with this new direction that the Witcher is taking. For one the original vision of Andrezj Sapkowski has been completely replaced by this watered down, and frankly inferior replica of the author's work. After hearing the reasons of Henry Cavill's departure I decided to read the books to see what the big issue was and now it all makes sense.

For starters the show's dialogue is abysmal and keeps on getting worse by the episode. The use of dialogue is used for all the exposition of the plot and then we simply to move on to the next scene without anymore detail or context which would be important. It feels lazy and rushed. I'm not expecting GoT levels of dialogue, but I do expect there to be more to these conversations rather than this shallow version which we see in the show.

The characters don't act the way that they do in the previous season, let alone the books, and there is zero build up to their actions and zero intrigue. Many of the "big revelations" such as Emyr being Ciri's father and the work which Vilgofortz was doing was revealed later on in the book and kept the readers on their toes, but here it is just being used for shock factor and to try to keep the viewer entertained by having these big revelations with no build up whatsoever to make the pay off worth it.

Aside from all the modern issues with entertainment today, such as them forcing diversity for their quotas, and changing characters to fit the "modern audience" this show provides no context for place so that the audience can associate with who's on what side. Usually we can associate a people by their accents, clothing, how they look. We associate a location by its architecture, people, environment and culture. In this series everything and everyone looks the same. Even the elves look similar to humans and have been watered down to being distinguishable only having pointed ears and not by how look or act which was very prevalent in the books.

The beauty of the Witcher is how it described the complexity of its people and the relationships between the different people and distinct locations which make the Continent. Now even the smallest of villages have more diversity than a modern metropolitan city , where we can't tell where we are by looking at the people and place.

Overall I think that this season has been a disappointment and has skimmed through a lot of important storylines and pieces of information which Sapkowski had written about and which what made his work the masterpiece that it was and still is today.
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