Resurrected (2023)
Seems like the pilot episode to a TV show, rather than a whole movie
1 July 2023
This film does nothing but set the stage for a good movie. Maybe they'll make a part 2 and explain any of this mess (doubtful, with the ratings of this movie). I've never walked out of a movie with more questions, and zero answers, than this. Here's a few:

  • What's the FBI's involvement? And/or local police?

  • What does that have to do with the Vatican?

  • How are they resurrecting people?

  • What is the importance of Bishop Hill? He seems shady. Why is he hanging around the Martin family so much? No idea - no answers???

>> Just from Father Flynn's call:
  • "Priest, are you one of them? Do you know WHAT THEY are planning?" (I still don't have an answer to 'what' and 'they' are referring to!)
  • "The frequencies have mutated, don't you understand?" (NO, and it's never explained?)
  • "The 'Hughanauts' (sp?) tried to warn us." (Never even mentioned again in the movie)
  • "You can't stop the 'WARRIORS' you fool... ...they're multiplying, soon they'll be everywhere... ...they're coming for me ... too late, they're INSIDE me now." (Meaning = not a person in the house, but something INSIDE of him. What got into him?? I'll never know?)

This call made the whole thing sound supernatural. But, the ending just seems to refer to a webpage on the dark web, meaning real people? (I won't add spoilers) So confusing!

RECOMMENDATION: Skip it! Unless you like watching movies that confuse you, only to leave you hanging with zero answers!
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