Definitely doesn't deserve the very low scores others gve it
1 July 2023
Yeah, it's an Australian film, with a significantly lower budget than anything Hollywood has to offer but the suggestion that it's not a real horror movie is both ignorant and shows the excessive level of gore and action needed for a brainless and desensitised generation.

It was more a thriller horror; but one that followed the likes of a more old school style.. slow build up (which a lot of people now don't have the patience to sit through), eeriness with some mild violence (rather than excessive blood and guts, just for the sake of it), and again, an obviously lower budget, though I felt the setting and style made it more creepy than expensive, clean film work.

Anyone who gave this a lot score clearly doesn't actually appreciate film.. they just need something loud and chaotic, to distract them from their boring reality.
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