No Limit (2022)
Didn't have to happen
1 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Based on the life and death of Audrey Mestre. Why didn't anyone help this woman up from her tragic final dive??? I understand they couldn't give her oxygen, but what is the point of having divers all along the diving route if they don't at least jump in and HELP HER UP in an emergency? They could have saved her life! Why didn't they? A life is more important than a stupid record! And the audacity of the little WORM who killed her suing Netflix because it makes him 'look bad'!! And the audacity of the few trolls on here defending him!! Evil!! This poor woman.... a life lost much too soon, at an age where you're lacking the wisdom to identify the snakes among us, which her 'partner' was. Rest in peace young lady, you deserved better and we're failed by many.
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