Secret Invasion: Promises (2023)
Season 1, Episode 2
Promises kept?
29 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is honestly not too bad!

It IS pretty slow, and this episode definitely feels a like a lot of set-up, but there are enough good character moments and actual development here that kept things from falling apart.

I'm really curious to see what becomes of Fury. He seemed to downtrodden and different after the snap, but I don't actually think that's a bad route to take this character. However, the way things ended for him in his scene with Rhodes seems to indicate we may be getting more of the old Fury again. I hope that's the case.

The train-car scene was really well acted, and the scene with Gravik and the "world-leaders" was a really good scene as well! Adir shows a lot of promise in his acting. Emilia Clarke's character is just kind of along for the ride in this episode, but I'm hoping she also becomes the pivotal character they hinted at in the premiere.

I also kind of loved Olivia Colman's interrogation scene.

This feels like that one episode that builds stuff up before the crap finally hits the fan and things start to actually pick up. I'm not dying to watch more at the moment, but I'll definitely stick with it. I like the premise, and the more serious tone is welcome!

Good not great.
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