Review of Every Body

Every Body (2023)
Understanding the "I" in LGBTQI+ -- "People don't know what it is"
29 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Here's a chance to learn about a marginalized population within the marginalized population of LGBTQI+ -- intersex people.

The documentary focuses on three young adults with sexual characteristics traditionally associated with both males and females. The protagonists discuss their backgrounds, which could involve being told to keep their condition a secret. "Society is so binary," we're told. "You feel so alone...Your body is a problem."

We also learn about efforts to improve things for new generations of the intersex, particularly by preventing childhood surgeries aimed at creating sexual consistency, done with parents' consent but typically without the young patients'. At one demonstration, marchers chant, "Unless I say, scalpels away!"

The movie spotlights the tragic case of a young man who, due to a botched circumcision in childhood, was raised as a girl until he shed that identity. He eventually committed suicide. Excerpts from "Dateline" programs about the case point to problems in children being told what sex they are.
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