Review of Promises

Secret Invasion: Promises (2023)
Season 1, Episode 2
29 June 2023
After the demise of Maria Hill. Nick Fury tells a story about his childhood to Talos. It is all to find out from Talos what he has left out. Which is there are 1 million Skrulls on Earth as refugees.

Gravik was there as a child when Fury said he would find them a home. The adult Gravik believes that he broke that promise. In the meantime some Skrulls disguised as humans have got themselves into seats of power. They have their own council which Gravix has pretty much taken over. A collision course with humanity beckons.

Fury has his own collision with Rhodey (Don Cheadle) who has known about the Skrulls for years. He now fires Fury who is rightfully furious about being betrayed by an old friend.

Meanwhile Falsworth (Olivia Colman) brutally interrogates a captured Skrull. She manages to get information out of him about Gravix wanting to make the Skrulls stronger.

There is still a lot of world building but it is also plodding. It was nice to hear about the Fury family tales but surely that conversation with Talos should have happened years ago.

The ending with Fury visiting his wife was a straight lift from the Spielberg movie Lincoln.
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