Review of Alter Ego

Alter Ego (I) (2007)
Unoriginal, unentertaining!
27 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is another shallow, predictable romantic dramedy (despite the film's comical efforts to pass off as a critique of the Greek showbiz world). You hope there might be some humor, some clever line, some entertaining aspect to make the watching enjoyable, but sadly no. If it hadn't been for Sakis Ruvas's popularity as a pop singer, it would have never made it to the big screen. No wonder that Ruvas is tolerable only during the singing scenes.

The rest of the cast is equally unintersting, if not infuriating. The character of Ariadni, actually, is very badly written. Moody, snobbish and unsociable to the point of obnoxiousness, it makes you really wonder why should she really end up together with Stefanos. And, to make matters worse, we never get an explanation why she carries all this emotional bagage and acts the way she does, despite being given so much film time.

The film itself is, to say the least, superficial. It never makes any effort to show us why Stefanos is depressed, how Filippos became an addict, why Nefeli pretends to be a toughie etc. We never get any real insight and that's a clear example of lazy writing.

The visuals are ok, although many times you get the feeling that you are watching one of these shiny TV-commercials they used to shoot in pre-crisis Greece, which is somewhat off-putting.

As for the plot, don't expect any surprises or twists. And if sometime during the film you happen to wonder whether you're watching a drama or another cheap rom-com, the last 30 minutes will definitely convince you to the latter.
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