This is a real mess of a drama.
26 June 2023
I wanted to watch this, I really did, I love New Zealand, but after watching episode 3, I just could not subject myself to another 5 episodes of this drivel.

It was all so clichéd, so many old, tired storylines, nothing new.

At times it just became farce, like disposing of something into a kitchen bin with no chance that it would not be discovered, and Sylvia wanting to leave the country incognito, so she dresses in a bright redhead wig and a slash of bright red lipstick. Surely a Plain Jane disguise would have been far more effective, but of course it would not have shown off Cecilie Stenspil's (Seaside Hotel) stunning high cheek bones. It reminded me of the classic scene in 1960s Batman, where he and Robin mingled at a party trying to be inconspicuous.

It takes about 35 hours and 3 flights to get from Copenhagen to Queenstown, but this was not represented in the timeline at all. It seems to take her all of 30 seconds to get there.

A really annoying aspect of these types of dramas is the way they throw away burner phones instead of just changing the sim card. Less dramatic, I suppose.

The language is appalling. It is a good example where profanities can be really offensive, especially by the loathsome Ravn character.

This is a joint Denmark/New Zealand production, and I am afraid it is the latter which drags it down. The acting is simply awful, and the characters supposedly based in Copenhagen all have New Zealand accents and obviously couldn't attempt a Danish accent, so spoke in English, unlike the Danish actors who spoke in Danish, with subtitles. Huss spoke an inaudible language all of his own.

As ever, the scenery in New Zealand is great, but you can't get away with that every time.
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