22 June 2023
It's a Robbie Robertson biopic interviewing him and his musical supporters. It deals a lot with his time with The Band. Her mother is Native Canadian and he grew up in Toronto. As a 15 year old, he led a band which opened for Ronnie Hawkins and the Hawks. He writes a couple of songs for Ronnie and joins Ronnie's band. It's the start of a musical journey.

This is Robbie's story as told by Robbie. The Band is well before my time, but I knew some of the basics. I didn't know about Ronnie, but it's not unexpected with Ronnie's Canadian connections. I never would have guessed he played with Bob Dylan during his booing electric era. Honestly, that's legendary stuff, even more than starting a legendary band. For people of that time, those two things are connected, but again... before my time. I always assumed that Robbie got tired of the other members and broke up The Band out of ambitions. I didn't know about the drugs or it could just be Robbie's version of history. This is The Band. It's Family. Nobody fights like family.
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