Hammerhead (2005 TV Movie)
Sharkman - silly title sums it up
21 June 2023
Crazy scientist Dr King (Jeffrey Combs) is trying to find a cure for cancer by using shark stem cells and in doing so cures his son Paul by turning him into a half shark (Hammerhead) half man creature! "Now he's more shark than human!" Representatives from a rug company visit his island research centre but end up fighting for their lives. The movie is set on an uncharted island in the Western Pacific, however it was shot in Bulgaria. For a tropical "effect" they dot a few palm and succulent plants around but these are so obviously just props. What's more in some scenes trees are a leafy green but then suddenly the leaves have all dropped off and the trees are bare. Combs is no doubt best remembered for playing mad scientist Herbert West in the Re-Animator movies, he does put in a good performance here but sadly he can't save this silly film. Neither can the plentiful blood and gore. People are shot at but seem to be immune for rapid machine gun fire, the frankly laughable Sharkman has a habit of being at the right place at the right time for his next victim, a typical Syfy production! I have watched this for the second time, got to be honest I thought less of it second time around. Not to be confused with "Sharkman" (2001), for which IMDb are displaying the 2005 movie artwork, sort it out!
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