Evolution (I) (2021)
agreable dyptich
20 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Refreshing diptych that explores the harsh coexistence, sometimes antagonistic, between the blurred past and the present with its imponderable consequences; Léna and her mother, Jonas and Léna; The most serious thing is that there are millions like Lena and Jonas, today suffering the fate of the plot due to similar circumstances, while the rest of the world senses that it is just another version of the anachronism of the Holocaust. I suppose that after the Holocaust the memory is often suppressed, the past healed and hope is kept in the present; The paradox is how would those who, like Lena, cannot continue in the contemporary world overcome hopelessness if they opt for oblivion? She can't get her little one out of the country or enroll him in kindergarten until she gets his elderly mother's birth certificate, which proves her Jewish ancestry and which she refuses to provide. But in part two, "Jonas," can the son be blamed for not thinking like mom, and barely knowing what that flódni cake grandma used to make is? Can one blame Léna's mother, a mother who was born in Kasernenstrasse, Auschwitz, who saw her own mother tied by the breasts so as not to breastfeed her,...can she be blamed for proudly showing off the Guard as a survivor? Hlinka, not to grant your daughter so as not to grant the contemporary German state, not even a paper proving her Jewish caste? "Give me this document or my life was about the Holocaust for nothing."
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