Black Mirror: Joan Is Awful (2023)
Season 6, Episode 1
A fun, if flawed return.
16 June 2023
Joan is bored with her life, fed up of her boyfriend Krish, and genuinely stuck in a rut, at a meeting with her therapist she is offered the chance to change things up, which she accepts, unaware of what she's signed up to.

It's been a while, over four years to be precise, you always worry that some of the well earned polish may have rubbed off, fortunately no sign of that here, this was a cracking return, it is far from perfect, but a bleak scenario of the future, that's exactly what Black Mirror delivers here.

Be careful what you download and click accept to, because you never quite know what the terms and conditions are.

This was fun and chilling in equal measure, you honestly had no idea what was coming next, I imagine there were lots of in jokes here, there were certainly lots of Easter eggs to look out for.

I was worried that the show might have moved to focusing on names, rather than the winning formula that made this show so great, but Salma Hayek added a little something, I'm not quite sure what.

Annie Murphy was terrific, her timing was perfect, you couldn't help but feel sorry for Joan, Hayek clearly had a lot of fun, a different role for her to play.

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