Not bad!
15 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Directed by Matthew Thompson, who co-wrote the script with star Nicole Du Bois, Magic Carpet Rides is all about the love life -- and often lack thereof -- of Callie (Du Bois), a social media influencer who continually wonders why she can't find the right guy, yet mostly goes out with guys who high five her when they get their own Uber home or who text her in the middle of the night asking for photos. One night walking home from a bar -- her phone died and no one waited for her -- she runs into Leo (Matthew Law), a man with no phone who lives a very different existence from her. Seeing as how this is a romantic comedy, of course opposites attract. Yet it's getting there that tells the tale.

Callie and Leo have anything but a meet cute. She's going to the bathroom in one corner of an alley, he in another. They even cross the streams accidentally. When his motorcycle breaks down, he has to walk home near her, which they argue over. He's obviously a nice guy, as he makes sure she gets home safe. But he's so different from Callie that he fascinates her.

Callie lives with social influencers, all of whom can barely talk to one another without bringing up brands they've been paid to promoter. Leo lives on a boat, a place where he works on other ships, takes tourists out for cruises and brings home random women to give one memorable night before never seeing them again.

Both of them aren't really ready to bring someone else into their self-centered lives. Yet maybe together they can navigate the world in a more authentic way. I say that until Callie starts streaming her love life to get followers who start to obsesses over #boatguy and even cancel her when they catch them arguing.

Magic Carpet Rides has two leads that you want to see work it out, a supporting cast that offers some moments of fun and a script that sure, you've seen before, but it's told in such a quick and innocuous way that you'll end up enjoying the short time that you spent with this movie.
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