A parable of Christian love for animals
13 June 2023
The original in Italian was entitled PEPPINO E VIOLETTA, the English-dubbed version going with two names: DO NOT TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER and THE SMALL MIRACLE.

Needless to say, if you can get by with some Italian, that is the better, more naturalistic version, but, albeit somewhat stilted, the English-dubbed does no harm to this wonderful tale of love for all creation, animals included, which the Catholic Church saw for centuries as soul-less.

Seven-year-old Peppino (Vittorio Manunta) delivers a terrific performance as a child mature well beyond his years after losing his parents in recently ended WW II. Violetta, his donkey, is his family, and the purity and candor of his love for her shines from the first to the last frame.

Prepare a hanky, tears are sure to come to your eyes and, yes, Peppino manages to reach his goal through faith, perseverance, never accepting the refusals that he keeps getting as he labors to have Violetta cured of her breathing problems.

This film also affords you a unique opportunity to see the Vatican's museum, as Peppino runs from the Switzer guards much like Harry Lime fleeing his pursuers in THE THIRD MAN, with a very good use of light and shadow to boot.

You will find cinematographical flaws but good intentions drive this film and make it a must-see. 9/10.
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