Where was the resolution?
12 June 2023
Here's the thing... It's a fun and funny show. The leads all carry their parts well, especially Kaley Cuoco. (It's a different character than the one she did in Flight Attendant, but the energy is very much the same, which is a good thing.)

My issue with the series is that there was no resolution. They set everything up for a season 2, but all of the storylines of this first season are unresolved. There are so many shows that know how to do this much better. In this day-and-age of remarkable TV writing (and again, this show had some great writing), it's inexcusable to me to not land the ending. It doesn't need to be a 10/10, but at least give us a 7/10, a B-, a 73% tomato, or whatever you want to call it. Even "The Boys", this same creator's other big series, wraps up the storylines each season while also setting up new ones for the next season, so they should have some vague idea as to HOW to do this. It's just annoying to watch the entire season, get invested in the show and it's characters, and then have absolutely no significant ending to anything. Makes it feel like I wasted my time.

Not sure if I'd give a 2nd season a try, based on how cheated I feel.
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