Hailey's on It! (2023–2024)
I want to like this show... but...
11 June 2023
Ok, after watching the first two episodes on TV, I had some problems with it. I really want to like this show, I do...

But the problem is the pacing.

The first episode and the second episode felt like it was too fast. I felt confused throughout it because at one point, they were at home setting everything up in like 2-3 min, and then the next they were saving a sea creature, and then they were riding rides.

Episode 2 didn't really explain what items on the list they were doing.

They don't explain how Beta became apart of the plush/teddy bear either.

I also didn't really like many of the jokes in the first two episodes. I hope the future episodes have the pacing fixed, because this isn't really it.
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