Love, Classified (2022 TV Movie)
Classified love
10 June 2023
'Love Classified' was mainly seen for Hallmark film completest sake. Their 2022 output, like all their previous years, was unsurprisingly uneven. With some highs, some lows and plenty somewhere in between. But considering the tumultuous couple of years, the standard generally could have been worse. Did quite like the idea of the story, was very interested to see how the film would balance serious family drama with quirkiness and romance, with more than one storyline.

All of that are things that Hallmark have done a number of times, the execution varying between mostly well, half and half and waste of potential. 'Love Classified', the fourth Spring into Love film, is somewhere in between the mostly well and half and half extremes. As far as Hallmark's 2022 output goes, 'Love Classified' is one of the decent somewhere in between films. A lot of good things can be seen here, but the film is also easy to criticise.

It is my view that the film was on the over-stuffed side. It includes multiple subplots and it did feel like it was trying to cram too much in. It could have afforded to include less and do more and flesh out more a couple of strands, next to nothing is done with the Emilia and bookstore owner strand and that felt like superfluous filler. Instead it could have developed Emilia more, focused more on the reconcilliation and done a better job at making her easy to identify with and understand her past mistakes, because that felt rushed and under-developed when there were little signs of learning from her mistakes for much of the film. Which is why the ending felt too unrealistically neat.

There were pacing issues too, sometimes dragging and then the backing and forthing between subplots was at times jumpy. The tantrums and anger of the daughter, while understandable, did come over as very over-heated and over the top.

On the other hand, a lot is done well. It is very well acted, with a very persuasive, moving performance from Melora Hardin (personally didn't think she overacted at all), regardless of my reservations with Emilia as a character. The family relationship drama was very true to life and relatable to anybody with any family issues and the chemistry throughout didn't feel forced or phoned in. Mostly the characters were written with sincerity and were not too hard to relate to. Had no problem whatsoever with the diversity, the complete opposite (absolutely loving that Hallmark is embracing equal inconclusivity), and don't know why one part of a storyline, which is not that big, is made out to be something that ruined the film.

While there is a lot of emphasis on the serious aspects, which is done honestly and movingly, there were also plenty of cute, feel good moments that made the film a very pleasant light hearted watch. Production values are lovely, especially the scenery. The music is not too loud or used too much. The script is witty and heartfelt, always sounding natural and never juvenile or tasteless.

Summing up, uneven but with a lot of good things. 6/10.
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