Best Transformers Game
8 June 2023
To date Transformers: War for Cybertron is the best Transformers game. Followed closely by its sequel, Fall of Cybertron.

The gameplay feels flawless and frenetic. Every time I died I thought, "yeah, I deserved that." Perfectly-paced, refusing to slow down at all the right moments, the level design is varied and engaging. Transforming is quick and flows perfectly during combat. There are enough power-ups scattered throughout to complete the game on Easy and Normal difficulties without too much frustration. I almost felt like I was playing a movie at times, like when playing as Megatron and fighting Omega Supreme, transforming into tank form, firing off a couple rounds and viewing that from an exciting angle... it's visually cinematic greatness. What an EPIC boss fight!

Getting to play as both Autobots AND Decepticons is so satisfying. Not enough games allow us to play as the antagonists /villains during the main story, as that option is mostly reserved for multiplayer jiggama-jag. The single-player campaign is so damn solid in War for Cybertron, so playing as the baddies is icing on this tasty cake. I absolutely loved playing as Megatron, tearing through unworthy foes and traitors.

The cinematics' visuals are fine and are the only thing that inevitably date this game's graphics in a less-than-great way. (The voice-acting, however, is SUPERB.) The graphics during gameplay are very good, and I was never too confused by a lack of visual clarity.

Perhaps the only thing I wanted more from War for Cybertron was just... MORE OF IT! I wanted to play as more characters and when the game ended, I wanted the story to continue to keep playing. Thankfully there's an excellent sequel!

I'll add this: I like Transformers. Love some of it... the Bumblebee movie, the 1984 movie, these Cybertron games. But I don't blindly like all Transformers projects. I'm not a 'biased' Transformers fanboy. In fact, I sometimes prefer Macross ; ) Most of the Transformers television projects and movies are crap. Many of the games don't deliver. Transformers: War for Cybertron, however, is perfection. I say this as a 30+ year gamer and NOT the biggest Transformers fan. The devs knocked this game out of the park. They nailed it. One of the handful of games I've rated a '10'. And well-deserved.

Well done High Moon Studios! I hope every one of you who worked on this game are proud of this accomplishment. You made one of the best video games of all time.
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